Sunday, August 06, 2006

Essay 897

Another Sunday Edition of a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• President Bush proclaimed that successful immigration reform must include four points: 1) A temporary worker program; 2) More ways for employers to verify whether workers are in the country legally; 3) A path to citizenship for illegal immigrants already working in the country; 4) Tools to help immigrants learn English and otherwise assimilate. The president also said, “By passing comprehensive immigration reform, we will uphold our laws, meet the needs of our economy and keep America what she has always been — an open door to the future, a blessed and promised land, one nation under God.” Um, isn’t the problem that immigrants are already viewing America as a promised land with an open door?

• American Airlines apparently doesn’t think the customer is always right. The airline is suing a man for repeatedly calling its CEO to complain. One day the irate customer allegedly placed 200 phone calls in 30 minutes. The guy deserves a job as an airline reservations operator.

• Video clips of O.J. Simpson will soon be appearing on — a free Web site designed to show the many sides of the man acquitted of murdering his ex-wife Nicole Simpson and friend Ronald Goldman. “It’s important to see the raw footage rather than edited or ‘bleeped out’ versions that might leak out to TV shows,” said the producer behind the project. “That’s the only way Americans will ever be able to see the real O.J. — and judge for themselves whether he’s guilty or not.” Didn’t realize Americans still had to vote on the matter.

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