Sunday, September 03, 2006

Essay 1016

Pre-Labor Day celebrations in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• “The business model that sustained us for decades is no longer sufficient to sustain profitability,” declared Ford Motor Company Chairman and CEO Bill Ford. “It is important to note that all of the issues that some onlookers view as ‘problems’ for our company are issues that I view as opportunities.” This guy sounds like a big part of the “opportunity.”

• New surveys showed American workers are increasingly disgruntled. “Three years ago, workers told us they felt overworked, but they were patient. They realized the economy was getting better and they would share in the wealth ultimately,” said the vice president of a workforce management company that conducted one workers’ study. “Last year, the work improved, but they are mad as hell. Their paychecks are no better.” The study revealed 61 percent of workers are not feeling the benefits of an improved economy; and 74 percent are seeking a new gig — with 41 percent pursuing opportunities while on the job. Another report showed 97 percent of women were most concerned about being unable to afford health care. The good news is there are plenty of “opportunities” available at Ford Motor Company.

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