Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Essay 1026

Growing concerns in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• A new study showed pudgy toddlers tend to grow up to become pudgy teens. “These findings underscore the need to maintain a healthy weight beginning in early childhood. Contrary to popular belief, young children who are overweight or obese typically won’t lose the extra weight simply as a result of getting older,” said a doctor involved with the study. Hey, let’s refer to the issue as The Happy Meal Syndrome.

• USA Today reported that most Americans don’t realize the actual amount of calories in supersized portions at fast-food restaurants. “One of the big dangers of fast-food lunches is that we not only mindlessly overeat, but we mindlessly underestimate how much we've eaten,” said the lead author of a recent study on the topic. “The more we eat, the less we think we eat. … Nobody is immune from doing this, from the lightest person to the heaviest person.” However, the end results have people looking more like Mo’Nique versus Nicole Richie.

• A Minnesota company has hatched an idea to help students pay for textbooks: load the titles with advertising. By integrating ads, students may enjoy free textbooks. Would you like fries with that physics lesson?

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