Friday, September 08, 2006

Essay 1040

Boycotts will be boycotts in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Anheuser-Busch is under fire for its Bud Light campaign depicting Zagar and Steve, a character resembling a Yanomamo tribesman and his standard White guy roommate. The comedy comes from Zagar’s primitive behavior playing against a modern, urban setting. However, Native Americans are not amused, and threats of boycotts are underway. Some have even referred to Zagar as the new “Stepin’ Fetchit” stereotype.

“I am in agreement of the number of the Indigenous leaders that have contacted me on this issue,” said the program director of the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility. “This is a gross misuse of Indigenous images, issues and culture. It is just completely offensive. It needs to be stopped.”

Another critic wrote, “This campaign is a throwback to the days when Americans portrayed Indians as pure savages: unable to speak English, uninterested in peace and harmony, intent only on killing and ravaging. It’s no better than a 19th century minstrel show that depicted Negro behavior as stupid and stereotypical. George Washington once labeled Indians ‘beasts of prey’ and this endeavor does the same.”

An Anheuser-Busch spokesperson stated, “We have the greatest respect for people of all nationalities and ethnic origins. We have been advised that some in the Indigenous community take issue with this fictional character — which was never our intention — and we are in discussions with the program director at the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility about concerns that have been raised. We hope to resolve this quickly and amicably.”

They’ll probably offer cases of Bud Light.

• Wal-Mart announced plans to retool its stores with offerings designed to target six distinct consumer groups, including Blacks, Hispanics and affluent shoppers. No word yet if any revamped departments will appeal to Bud Light’s Zagar.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:46 AM

    While they’re at it, they better also contact Daniel Schneider and tell him to change the name of the Redskins.
