Saturday, September 09, 2006

Essay 1045

Sorry statements in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger apologized for remarks he made in reference to Assemblywoman Bonnie Garcia (both pictured above). During a conversation with staffers, Schwarzenegger said, “She maybe is Puerto Rican or the same thing as Cuban. I mean, they are all very hot. … They have the, you know, part of the black blood in them and part of the Latino blood in them that together makes it.” Garcia responded by saying, “I am not mad that he recognizes that I am passionate about the issues. … and I am not mad that he allows me to tell him exactly what I think, and what’s on the mind of people in my community. So again, there is no need to apologize.” Garcia, elected in 2002, is the first Latina woman to represent the 80th Assembly District; plus, she’s the sole Latina Republican in the State Legislature. Hey, she’s pretty hot for a Republican.

• 50 Cent was arrested for traffic violations in Manhattan, while fans cheered the rapper and booed the cops. The charges included making an unsafe lane change, driving with an expired permit and driving without insurance. Maybe insurance companies need to offer special policies for rappers — with extra rates for speeding, police encounters and gunfire damage.

• New Ford Motor Company CEO Alan Mulally will reportedly receive a base salary of $2 million, with a signing bonus of $7.5 million and $11 million to offset forfeited money and stock options from former employer Boeing. Looks like he won’t have to worry about paying his auto insurance premiums.

• The Federal Reserve presented a study that showed minorities were denied home loans at a higher rate than Whites in 2005. Denial rates for Blacks were at 27.5 percent, followed by Native Americans at 22.4 percent, Hispanics at 21.3 percent, Native Hawaiians at 19.6 percent and Asians at 15.8 percent. Whites faced denials at 12.2 percent. “I do not believe this problem is caused solely by racial or ethnic prejudice, but it also cannot be argued that these factors do not contribute to the problem,” said U.S. Rep. Barney Frank. “It is unacceptable for a nation committed to ending racial and ethnic disparity in financial services to allow this to continue.” Talk about being in denial.


  1. Anonymous2:36 PM Is arnie the power hungry chameleon, the closest thing to Satanism, in US politics today

  2. i still can't believe that she said that there was no need to apologize!
