Monday, September 11, 2006

Essay 1054

Truthiness and less in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• A new study revealed members of Congress tell the entire truth about 25 percent of the time when debating major legislation in the House and Senate. Rather, elected officials spout half-truths, misleading exaggerations or outright lies when pontificating on the country’s business. One political scientist behind the study said, “We don’t pretend to know whether they are lying, are ignorant, or misperceive the facts and informed opinion on an issue.” That sounds like a polite fib.

• Ford Motor Company may decide to cut 6,000 more jobs than originally predicted, as its board meets this week to continue planning the company turnaround. Hey, somebody’s gotta pay for the new CEO’s $18.5 million signing incentives (see Essay 1045).

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