Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Essay 1198

A little giddyup in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• The New York Times published a piece on the Federation of Black Cowboys. Based in Queens, these urban cowboys preserve the heritage of Black horsemen from the old West. “Yes, we do a lot of riding in the streets, and traffic is dangerous,” said federation president Edward J. Dixon. “A horse can bolt anytime, so you always got to have your guard up.” Click on the essay title above to lasso the full story.

• The U.S. Army is unveiling its new campaign built around the tagline, “Army Strong.” Sounds like something President George W. Bush might have written. Army Strong. War Good. Osama Evil. Taxes Bad.

• P. Diddy signed a multi-year contract to hawk Burger King, with plans to serve as a pitchman and entertainment marketing consultant. BK’s president of global marketing, strategy and innovation declared, “We’re thrilled to be able to collaborate, using the breadth of his talents as an artist, entrepreneur and change agent to impact and inspire our guests.” Wonder how Diddy might evolve the “Waking Up with the King” concept.

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