Thursday, October 19, 2006

Essay 1228

Sniping with a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Wesley Snipes is facing an arrest warrant for allegedly cheating the IRS out of $12 million. White men can’t jump, but Black men can’t get away with ripping off the IRS.

• Chris Rock’s mom charges she faced racial discrimination at a Cracker Barrel restaurant in South Carolina. Mrs. Rock and her daughter — the only Blacks in the restaurant at the time of the incident — sat for over half an hour, being completely ignored by the waitresses. A Cracker Barrel spokeswoman said the company doesn’t “tolerate any form of discrimination.” Yeah, right. Maybe it’s just that Everybody Hates Chris’ mom, too.

• Somebody hates Hispanic voters in California. Hispanic residents in Orange County received a letter warning it was illegal for immigrants to vote, and they could face jail or deportation if they showed up at the polls in November. Hey, let’s hold a Hispanic voters drive at the local Cracker Barrel.

• Rapper Fabolous was shot in the thigh, and later arrested for carrying unlicensed firearms. The artist and his posse were attacked after leaving a Manhattan nightclub and jumped in a car to flee. Police stopped the vehicle for running a red light, and found the guns while searching the ride. “He’s been shot,” said the rapper’s lawyer. “I don’t know why he’s under arrest. Obviously he didn’t shoot anyone.” Um, nothing’s ever obvious when rappers pack heat.

• A Democratic leader in the House of Representatives apologized for saying a Black candidate for the Senate “slavishly” supported the Republican Party. House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer made the comment about Maryland Lt. Governor Michael Steele. Hoyer has a history of dumb remarks, having once referred to Steele as a “token” candidate. Hoyer issued a statement to say, “I should not have used those words.” He probably minimally wanted to use the N-word.

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