Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Essay 1273

Post-Halloween Hijinks in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• A student attending Brooklyn’s Leon M. Goldstein High School (named after a prominent Jewish educator) sparked controversy by celebrating Halloween with an Adolf Hitler costume (pictured above). The school’s dean allegedly pulled the moron from class by saying, “Excuse me, fuhrer, can I talk to you for a minute?” The student was then taken to the administrator’s office and told, “Are you out of your mind, you idiot? … Consider yourself my prisoner of war.” It’s apparent that stupidity runs in the family, as the kid’s mother declared, “This is a matter of artistic free expression and a school not being stupid. … [The dean is] offended by a parody of Hitler — and he’s acting like Hitler.”

• A fraternity at John Hopkins University was suspended for staging a “Halloween in the Hood” party that drew protests from Black students. The online party invite instructed guests to don “regional clothing from our locale” including “bling bling ice ice, grills” and “hoochie hoops.” Maybe next year they can stage a “Duke Lacrosse Team” party instead.


  1. Anonymous10:40 AM

    From the article I read this morning, the kid's step-father is Harold Bloom so it's safe to say that stupidity definitely does not run in his family.

    The kid who is Jewish himself said it was in the spirit of a Mel Brooks parody. It's not a good Halloween costume in my opinion and sure it's offensive to some (but so is a Mel Brooks Parody). Should it necessarily be off-limits?

    I'm more concerned by the millions of students who have no comprehension of the Holocaust than those who were offended by this.

  2. sorry, this kid deserves an idiot label, as he was fully aware of the impact of his actions. after all, he did admit that he altered the costume so he wouldn't be seen in the subway as hitler.

    this guy is no mel brooks. more like mel cooley.

  3. Anonymous12:44 AM

    "“This is a matter of artistic free expression and a school not being stupid. … [The dean is] offended by a parody of Hitler — and he’s acting like Hitler.”"

    I reiterate. All parties responsible for this idiot need to be smacked. This ages-old artistic expression bullshit is played out. All it's intended to do is inflame and get attention. Congrats Hilter freak. Attention gotten.

    He might as well have taken a dump in the cafeteria if he wanted attention so bad. Piss Christ redux.

    "I'm more concerned by the millions of students who have no comprehension of the Holocaust than those who were offended by this."

    They’re not mutually exclusive though. It's outrage over this that will keep that memory alive so it’s not forgotten.

    As for parody and Brooks? Blazing Saddles was considered funny when it came out in the 70's. Could that run today unedited without an uproar? Doubt it. A parody I might buy if this idiot squared had tried to make it part of a play or something.

    No, he basically yelled the equivalent of fire in a movie. Made a gesture simply to inflame. That gets you arrested in some European countries, and starts riots at soccer matches.

    We complain in this country when people elsewhere don't follow human rights conventions we set up, or other protections.

    But now, allowing this idiot to do what other countries recognize as a symbol of evil is just unexcusable.

    There are certain words and gestures that open wounds, no matter how much of a free-speech guise they become.

    It's one thing for kids to maybe not know, but their parents? Inexcusable.

    Serves. No. Purpose.

    As for ice ice? Aw, looks like they forgot 'baby' at the end of that. They should be smacked for just evoking his memory.

    Do we now need a freaking course on what words are allowed and what aren't in schools for these idiots?

    But then I go further and think, if they’re not ignorant, they’re doing it for worse reasons.

    Someone’s getting smacked. I just decided.

