Friday, November 17, 2006

Essay 1339

Thank Jesus It’s Friday with a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Jesus has returned. The Marine Reserves’ Toys for Tots program reversed its decision, and will now accept the donated talking Jesus dolls (see Essay 1329). According to an announcement on the organization’s Web site, “The talking Jesus doll issue has been resolved. … Toys for Tots has found appropriate places for these items. We have notified the donor of our willingness to handle this transaction.” Next up: Dealing with a donation of talking Borat dolls.

• The Homeland Security Department’s inspector general announced electronic enhancements to the proposed border fence could wind up costing 15 times the original $2 billion estimate. “Early forecasts and estimates of the program’s value range from $8 billion to $30 billion,” said the official. Which means offsetting costs will require employing a ton of undocumented workers.

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