Monday, December 04, 2006

Essay 1400

From the latest issue of Advertising Age…


Diversity efforts deep in the heart of Texas

I read your recent articles regarding diversity in advertising at the collegiate level with great interest. I am here to tell you that the dream of diversity lives at the University of Houston. With 150 advertising majors, the University of Houston is one of the top 50 programs in the nation. Our student body is a living microcosm of what the future of the United States will be within the next 20 years. We have 22% African-American, 24% Hispanic, 38% Caucasian and 15% Asian-American and foreign nationals within our student mix. Every day, we work and live in a multicultural world. Cougar Concepts, our student-run advertising agency, produces work that reflects the nature of our ever-changing world.

Thanks again for bringing up this topic. Our school is here to serve those diversity needs.

Larry Kelley
Professor of advertising
University of Houston

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