Monday, December 11, 2006

Essay 1423

Monkey business in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Two Hollywood chimpanzees have been retired to settle a lawsuit charging the animals had been abused. The chimps had worked on “That 70s Show” and “The Craig Kilborn Show.” A spokesperson for the Animal Legal Defense Fund said, “We’re thrilled that they’re not going to be forced to perform unwillingly anymore.” But it does lead to speculation over others who might have experienced similar cruelty and atrocities: the monkey character in “Every Which Way But Loose,” Tarzan’s Cheetah, Magilla Gorilla and more. Somebody call Lance Link pronto.

• WGAY-TV, the first gay-oriented television station in the U.S., launched in Key West, Florida. “This has never been done before. It’s uncharted water. There has never been a company out there, over the air, that has done gay programming,” said the station’s General Manager. Funny, the folks at Lifetime might dispute that claim. The Miami Herald reported on the new venture — click on the essay title above to check it out.

• Related to WGAY-TV, here’s a take from David Letterman:

Top 10 shows on the new gay television channel

10. How I Met Your Brother

9. Gary’s Anatomy

8. Desperate Poolboys

7. Everybody Loves Raymond … Especially Steve

6. The King Of Queens

5. Not-So-Smallville

4. I Dream Of Gene

3. Gays Of Our Lives

2. My Name Is Earl And I Like Construction Workers

1. His Deal Or No Deal

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