Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Essay 1506

Being bossy in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• A new study from Florida State University showed there are lots of lousy bosses in America. About 39 percent of workers say honchos fail to keep their word, while 27 percent say bosses bad mouth their reports to coworkers. “They say that employees don’t leave their job or company, they leave their boss,” said an associate professor of management involved with the study. Look for a new catchphrase for 2007 to be: You ain’t the boss of me.

• The ex-employee charging Busta Rhymes assaulted him claims the rapper’s two bodyguards helped deliver the beating (see Essay 1502). Describing the incident, the victim said, “I told [Busta Rhymes], ‘I ain’t scared of you.’ … That’s when his bodyguards grabbed me, and he punched and kicked me.” Rhymes probably deserves a special category in the Florida State University study on bosses.

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