Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Essay 1509

Your morning cup of MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Starbucks is banning trans fats from its New York menus this week, with plans to eventually do likewise in markets including San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Diego, Boston and Philadelphia. The majority of Starbucks beverages have always been free of trans fats, but the snack items were full of it. However, the price of a latte grande can still cause a heart attack.

• What’s going on? Marvin Gaye III is being sued by Lou Rawls Jr., who claims he was attacked by a group of dogs during a 2005 visit to Gaye’s home. The suit charges the dogs “bit, clawed and physically and mentally injured” Rawls, resulting in “loss of blood, tearing of flesh, multiple dog bite wounds, fear of disease.” Who let the junior dogs out?

• CNN apologized for hyping a feature on the search for Osama bin Laden with the headline, “Where’s Obama?” Wolf Blitzer said, “We want to apologize for that bad typo. … We also want to apologize personally to Sen. Barack Obama. I’m going to be making a call to him later this morning to offer my personal apology.” That sounds like a bush league excuse.

• Pat Robertson claims God told him a terrorist attack will lead to “mass killing” in 2007. “I’m not necessarily saying it’s going to be nuclear,” said Robertson. “The Lord didn’t say nuclear. But I do believe it will be something like that.” Regarding his prediction skills, the religious broadcaster bragged, “I have a relatively good track record. … Sometimes I miss.” Maybe CNN should ask Robertson, “Where’s Osama?”

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Pat Robertson is the favorite of temp services everywhere when K-Fed and Paris take the week off.
