Sunday, January 07, 2007

Essay 1525

Changing minds with a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Toys “R” Us reversed its decision to deny a $25,000 prize to the first New Year’s baby because her mom was not a legal U.S. resident (see Essay 1522). Instead, the toy seller will award grand prizes to three kids who were eligible to win. “We love all babies,” said Toys “R” Us. “Our sweepstakes was intended to welcome the first baby of 2007 and prepare for its future. We deeply regret that this sweepstakes became a point of controversy.” Embarrassed “R” Us.

• A Duke University study showed foreign-born entrepreneurs accounted for 25 percent of the nation’s technology start-ups in the past 10 years. “It’s one thing if your gardener gets deported,” said a researcher involved with the study. “But if these entrepreneurs leave, we’re really denting our intellectual property creation. … The advantage of entrepreneurs is that they’re generally creating new opportunities and new wealth that didn’t even exist before them. … Just by leaving your home country, you’re taking a risk, and that means you’re willing to take risks in business. You put them in an environment that supports entrepreneurship, and this is the logical outcome.” Maybe Toys “R” Us can sponsor an appreciation contest.

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