Monday, January 08, 2007

Essay 1531

Heavy news in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• The Journal of Pediatrics released a study showing tween girls are especially at risk for obesity. Additionally, overweight kids have a tenfold risk of growing up to be overweight adults. Is it a coincidence that advertisers like Mickey D’s have always targeted tweens as a unique segment, even giving them distinct ad campaigns?

• Donald Trump is being sued for age discrimination after a 49-year-old man charges he was dissed from being a contestant on “The Apprentice.” The guy also plans to launch a class-action suit, which could bring thousands of rejected folks. No plans yet to turn the scenario into a reality TV series.

• The Los Angeles Times reported on potential censorship taking place at the school of the Art Institute of California at San Francisco. A student and former instructor said a student magazine was yanked because of a piece on racial stereotypes in videogames. School officials won’t confirm the true reasons for pulling the magazine. “Art is supposed to provoke and make people think, and as an art institute, especially in a city like San Francisco, they should seriously consider the commitment to their mission,” said a spokesperson from a nonprofit watchdog group monitoring censorship issues. “If anywhere should encourage free speech, it should be an art institution.” Click on the essay title above to read the full story.

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