Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Essay 1534

New business bitches in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Advertising Age, putting a spin on Time magazine naming “You” as Person of the Year, crowned the consumer as Agency of the Year. Of course, the trade publication was poised to give the title to DraftFCB before the Wal-Mart fiasco. So does this mean AdAge thinks DraftFCB is not better than the average Joe?

• Rapper and Co-Brand Director for Budweiser Select Jay-Z worked with General Motors to create a stylish color for the Yukon Denali SUV. Some folks seem to have no problem drinking and driving.

• Cell phone service provider Sprint plans to cut 5,000 employees in the first quarter, citing a net loss of 300,000 customers in the fourth quarter. Wow, that’s a lot of dropped callers.

• An analysis by researchers at Children’s Hospital in Boston found that beverage studies tend to boast health benefits and downplay concerns when financed by manufacturers and industry organizations. Gee, the children at the hospital could have figured that out.

• Rosie O’Donnell fired the latest shots in the feud with Donald Trump, calling the man obsessed. O’Donnell said, “It’s the way I look. He can’t resist. I love when people say you’re fat like you don't know. … It’s always the first comment of someone who disagrees with you if you happen to be on the plus side. … The guy, he’s obsessed with me, obviously.” Trump responded, “I used the word ‘slob,’ I used the word ‘degenerate’ and I used the words ‘not very smart.’ The word ‘fat’ played a very small role, if any, in my description of her.” Hey, Trump, you’re tired.

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