Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Essay 1699


  1. Anonymous9:44 AM

    You need to have some sort of retrospective of these, They're great and I think that seen together, they'd really have an even bigger impact.

    Maybe The One Club or The Art Directors Club would host it?

  2. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Go contemporary with some too:

    match.com spoof:

    "Minorities. Go ahead. It's ok to hire them.”

    VW safe:

    “Diversity happens.“

    BK Whopper family:

    - ‘Dad, hiring more minorities at the office makes sense. You’d see that if you would just take your head out of your bun.

    Snickers two guys with bar.

    - naw, on second thought, nothing’s gonna save that.

    I got a million of 'em.

