Thursday, March 15, 2007

Essay 1847

Comic tidbits in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Public health advocates in Virginia have targeted Hispanics with a comic book warning against statutory rape. The fotonovela is titled “Gracias Papa,” featuring a young woman, an older guy and her father. Captain America is spinning in his comic book grave.

• Not surprisingly, O.J. Simpson’s “If I Did It” book has been leaked to news sources. Newsweek magazine received excerpts, which the publication described as featuring “crude, expletive-laced … classic language of a wife abuser.” Can’t wait to see the comic book version.

• The leading Southern Baptist seminary’s president ignited controversy with his article titled “Is Your Baby Gay? What If You Could Know? What If You Could Do Something About It?” The article suggested there’s proof of a biological basis for homosexuality; plus, the president opined a prenatal treatment to reverse gay orientation would be justified from a biblical perspective. The spiritual leader is very aware of the resulting protests and said, “I wonder if people actually read what I wrote. … But I wrote the article intending to start a conversation, and I think I’ve been successful at that. … I realize this sounds very offensive to homosexuals, but it’s the only way a Christian can look at it. … We should have no more problem with that than treating any medical problem.” He should have presented it all as a comic book.

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