Friday, March 16, 2007

Essay 1850

Dead ideas in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Sinbad experienced a short-lived death when Wikipedia mistakenly listed that the comedian died on March 14. The “news” quickly spread across the Web, leaving fans stunned and grieving. Wikipedia quickly corrected the error, and a spokesperson said, “We are currently looking into who made this [false entry], and have protected the page. We regret any confusion or distress this may have caused Sinbad and his fans everywhere.” Actually, it’s probably the most attention Sinbad has received in the past decade.

• Georgia state legislators are rejecting any notions of apologizing for historical acts involving slavery, but they’re moving forward with plans to commemorate Confederate history. A proposal was drafted to mark April as Confederate History and Heritage Month, saluting Confederacy and “all those millions of its citizens of various races and ethnic groups and religions who contributed in sundry and myriad ways to the cause of Southern Independence.” Maybe instead of a slavery apology, the lawmakers could create a Slave Trade History and Heritage Month.

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