Sunday, April 15, 2007

Essay 2001

Boys and Good Ol’ Boys in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Latino boys congregated in Miami to audition for the latest incarnation of Menudo, the Puerto Rican boy band whose past members include Ricky Martin. “We’re going to make it a little different than it was before,” said Johnny Wright, the promotional wizard responsible for New Kids on the Block, ‘NSync and the Backstreet Boys. “The beat is going to be the beats of the street now — club, hip-hop and rock. It’s not going to be something that’s pigeon-holed.” In other words, it’s going to be Black.

• The Rev. Al Sharpton is getting police protection after receiving death threats over his involvement with Don Imus’ firing. Someone called Sharpton’s radio program and announced, “I’m going to hunt Reverend Sharpton down and shoot him like an animal.” Meanwhile, the Rev. Jesse Jackson received bomb threats at his Rainbow/PUSH headquarters in Chicago. When Imus was defending himself, he insisted his remarks were no different than those of rappers. Looks like Imus’ posse is pretty similar too.

• A German Army instruction video has stirred controversy, especially among Blacks in the Bronx. The video depicts an instructor telling recruits to imagine they’re shooting Blacks in the borough. “You are in the Bronx,” yelled the leader. “A black van is stopping in front of you. Three African-Americans are getting out and they are insulting your mother in the worst way. … Act.” Don Imus’ posse is probably trying to secure copies of the video for their training maneuvers.

• Radio station KCAA in San Bernardino is scheduled to air “Best of Imus” reruns, starting with the broadcast that got the shock jock fired. “I believe this is an important enough issue with regards to free speech, free expression,” declared owner Fred Lundgren. The station manager added, “I’m glad we’re standing up and playing Imus. … And not kowtowing to [the Rev. Al Sharpton] and those people.” Heaven forbid those people should have the same right to present their opinions via free speech and freedom of expression.

• Hawaiian singing legend Don Ho — famous for crooning “Tiny Bubbles” — passed away at age 76. Don Imus refuses to comment on the story.

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