Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Essay 2016

A miniature midweek MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• The Rev. Al Sharpton was backpedaling over plans to honor the boss of Island Def Jam Music Group, whose roster of artists includes controversial rappers. “We don’t want to be inconsistent,” said Sharpton, sensitive to the potential hypocrisy of supporting rappers after blasting Don Imus. Sharpton was scheduled to present L.A. Reid with the James Brown Memorial Cultural Impact Award at the National Action Network, a four-day convention that starts today in New York. “We have withdrawn the award for L.A. Reid,” announced Sharpton. “We put the awards on hold…We have suspended those awards.” Wonder what the rappers are calling Sharpton now.

• J. Lo and Marc Anthony are suing the National Enquirer for the paper’s claim that the couple was tied to a heroin scandal. Sources claim the two are seeking a six-figure settlement. Which they’ll probably use to buy drugs.

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