Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Essay 2074

From The Chicago Sun-Times…


Another march, another year, but still no reform
Yes we can change laws -- before the nation’s attention is lost


The focus of Tuesday’s immigration reform rally was in the signs.

Whether on printed placards or handwritten, the words “Keep Families United” and “Stop Raids Now” -- or some variation on those themes -- appeared repeatedly among the crowd.

This immigration march put the spotlight on the fact our country's current -- and very broken -- immigration system tears apart families when undocumented parents are deported or loved ones have to face long, complicated procedures to ever be allowed legal entry into our country. Supporters of immigration reform are pushing for a moratorium on raids and deportations until new legislation is hammered out.

Because this issue is so much a family one, once again whole families came together to make the trek from Union Park through downtown Chicago. Parents pushed strollers with babies who amazingly slept through the loud repeated cries of “Si se puede” (Yes we can).

Yet this march also appeared to draw a slightly younger crowd and one that seemed to be more Latino than last year.

And probably because there’d been so much criticism at the number of Mexican flags waving at last year’s rally, this year Old Glory was everywhere and in all sizes among the estimated 150,000 marchers. Red, white and blue balloons were released into the sky as supporters waited for the walkers from the south and north starting points to get to Union Park.

But this is the thing that bugged me about the rally. I had something to compare it to; last year I arrived there by L, this year I had to hop in a cab. The day was hotter and sunnier than last time. Shorts would have been a better choice than jeans this year.

What all that means is that immigration reform hasn’t moved ahead much. Another year, another march. Though reform supporters got out the vote and did a lot to help make the current Congress become one controlled by Democrats, those elected officials haven’t returned the favor with new and better immigration legislation.

The American attention span is quite fleeting. Before long immigration will be replaced on the radar by the next presidential election. So legal American citizens, it’s time to put the pressure on your elected officials if you really want change. Remember, as my favorite sign this year pointed out: “Your Vote is Your Voice. Your Vote is Power.” The other side will be pushing that sentiment; you better do the same.

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