Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Essay 4008

Thanks to Carmen Van Kerckhove of Racialicious.com for forwarding the press release below. A brief MultiCultClassics response immediately follows…



The AdColor Industry Coalition Announces the Inaugural AdColor Awards to Recognize Outstanding Achievements of Diverse Professionals in the Advertising, Marketing and Media Industries

(New York, NY) June 4, 2007 — Today, the Association of National Advertisers (ANA), the American Association of Advertising Agencies (AAAA), the American Advertising Federation (AAF), The ADVERTISING Club of New York (AD CLUB NY), and Arnold Worldwide announced that they have joined forces to form The AdColor Industry Coalition. ADCOLOR™ is a first of its kind cross-industry collaboration on the issue of diversity. The Coalition hopes to combine the energies of the marketing, media and advertising communities to stimulate ideas, discussion and solutions to advance diversity goals.

The Coalition’s first effort will be The AdColor Awards, a program that will honor outstanding diverse professionals at the junior, mid and senior levels in each segment of the advertising, marketing and media industries. The awards show will take place at the ANA Multicultural Marketing Conference on November 4, 2007 in Miami, Florida. Interested applicants or those who want to nominate candidates can download nomination forms at www.adcolor.org. The deadline for nominations is August 1, 2007.

“We are thrilled to host The AdColor Awards,” said founding Coalition member Bob Liodice, president and CEO of the ANA. “We look forward to celebrating the accomplishments of Rising Stars, Innovators, Change Agents and Legends, as well as learning from their experiences so that we can replicate their path to success for future generations.”

Currently, Yahoo!, Advertising Age and Arnold have signed on as presenting sponsors of the program. Additional pro bono support is being provided by DraftFCB, Fox Networks Group, McCann Erickson, Publicis New York, Rokkan, Reed Smith, and The Kaplan Thaler Group.

ADCOLOR™ was established in 2005 to promote increased diversity in the advertising, marketing and media industries, as well as to inspire current and future communications professionals of color by celebrating the accomplishments of diverse role models and industry leaders. Go to www.adcolor.org for more information.

About The AdColor Industry Coalition
The AdColor Industry Coalition is a historic collaboration between The ADVERTISING Club of New York (AD CLUB NY), the Association of National Advertisers (ANA), the American Advertising Federation (AAF), the American Association of Advertising Agencies (AAAA) and Arnold Worldwide. These organizations and other companies are committed to the success of the AdColor Industry Initiative.


Well, it’s certainly historic for organizations that have consistently failed in their diversity initiatives to suddenly team up to tackle the issues. Call it a case of the colorblind leading the colorblind.

And what better way to herald the new day than with another minority awards show? It’s the perfect supplement to the Mosaic Awards and other multicultural tributes that continue to segregate the industry. Funny how this innovative salute to cultural harmony doesn’t include any White categories. Or even disabled and GLBT silos. Plus, let’s not forget the growing segment of aging adfolks. Perhaps it’s time to distribute trophies to the chronic offenders fueling discrimination and exclusivity. Oh wait, that’s the role of New York City’s Commission on Human Rights.

The AdColor choir features a few rising stars, notably Arnold Worldwide’s Tiffany R. Warren. Ms. Warren was listed in Advertising Age’s Women To Watch 2007, and she allegedly calls herself a “diversity Pollyanna.” Hey, she’s clearly found a fitting forum to test the authenticity of that title.

[Click on the essay title above to learn more about AdColor.]


  1. "Colorblind leading the colorblind."

    That's classic. that could summarize ust about everything that's been tried in the biz for 50 years. Personally work in "delusional" or "self-denying hypocritical" but then that would ruin the flow of it.

    John Edwards doesn't like 'em, but I say this is a bumpersticker worth honkin' for. A T-shirt at least.

    I'll take mine in a 3XL once they go on sale...

  2. Anonymous7:57 AM

    LOL! "Colorblind leading the colorblind."

    Another classic from HighJive.

    I'm still cracking up over:

    "How do you stay so white, Carmen?"

    "Ancient Chinese secret!"

  3. Anonymous4:08 PM

    You have no idea what your talking about "van kerchove" Is that a dutch surname? If you think this further segregates an already segregated industry then you clearly have no idea about the history of advertising. Look closely at who is involved...it is young millenials and older industry veterans of all colors and races banding togther regardless of industry affiliations to honor good people and promote their success stories so that others may follow their path. So, yes, it is very easy for you to read a press release and think I am so cool let me come up with a way shoot down a positive move in the right direction. Perosnally attacking Tiffany R. Warren is a low blow. Tiffany is well regarded and VERY well respected and has personally helped hundreds of people of color and non-color to be a part of the advertising, marketing and media industries. Have you personally mentored or done anything to bring more integration to this inustry...nope...never heard of you? Good luck with your small blog for small minds. As for me, I will be at the awards show November 4th celebrating success.

  4. To be clear, Carmen Van Kerckhove only forwarded the press release. The responding statements were typed by MultiCultClassics personnel—not Van Kerckhove. Van Kerckhove and Mr. HustleKnocker did post comments reacting to the original post, but neither was involved in its production.

    No one attacked Warren. Sorry you read it that way.

    We’ve got plenty of ideas on the history of advertising. Your revisionist interpretations appear to be different, but we’re all entitled to our viewpoints.

    Regarding your questions about mentoring and doing more to bring about integration, the answer is yes. In fact, there’s no doubt we’ve done more than you. But it’s not really a contest or competition.

    Enjoy your trophies on November 4. All the best.
