Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Essay 4011

Extended courtships in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Happy anniversary to R. Kelly, who was indicted on 21 counts of child pornography exactly five years ago today. A trial date has still not been set. “It’s ridiculous that it has taken five years to get to trial,” said New England School of Law Professor Wendy Murphy. “There’s no excuse for it. But this is a tried-and-true tactic when it comes to sex-crimes cases: ‘victory by delay.’ Witnesses end up moving away. They die. You tend to see a lot of delays for defendants who are wealthy. You don’t tend to see a lot of delays when the defendant is a poor kid from the inner city.” Hey, keep poor kids from the inner city away from R. Kelly.

• The Los Angeles firefighter who was fed dog food by coworkers (see Essay 1451) may add a retaliation claim to his racial harassment lawsuit, thanks to a judge’s ruling on Monday. Wonder if the firefighter will wait in the doghouse as long as R. Kelly.

1 comment:

  1. Wendy's an ass. The only time she ever mentions "inner city" is when she's pissed off about what some man is accussed of. Granted Kel's a tool and more than likely a predator.

    But when it comes to criminal abuses in which black women are the victims cases involving false accusations against black men, Mizz Wendy has been historically and remains currently absent from the discussion.
