Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Essay 4014

Satisfaction not guaranteed with a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• The irate judge who filed a $67 million lawsuit against a dry cleaners that lost his trousers (see Essay 2080) has lowered his demand to only $54 million. The judge claims the service posted signs stating “Satisfaction Guaranteed” and “Same Day Service.” Next time, the cleaners will have to add a disclaimer reading, “Void when dealing with crazy-ass judges.”

• Arkansas Governor Mike Beebe is reluctant to apologize for the state’s role in slavery. Beebe said, “I think Arkansas probably has as good a feel for folks working together as any Southern state or any other state, so I think we’ve moved past that.” However, Beebe is probably open to offering an apology for former Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton.

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