Friday, June 15, 2007

Essay 4056

Girls Gone Mild in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Foxy Brown made nice with the judge who once handcuffed the artist to a bench during trial. The judge dismissed probation-violation charges, noting Ms. Brown has been a well-behaved probationer. “Go on to a happy life,” said the judge. “I see a positive report here. … I see you have been seeking permission when you have to leave the state. Your drug tests are negative. And you are continuing with anger management.” Wow, with a report like that, Foxy may lose her rapper’s license.

• Naomi Campbell settled with a former personal assistant who received a smackdown from the fiery supermodel. The settlement amount remained a secret, and Campbell’s lawyers didn’t return calls for comment. Not sure it’s a good idea to call for comments, given Campbell’s tendency to hurl cellphones.

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