Saturday, June 23, 2007

Essay 4089

Oh baby, it’s another MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• The mother of 50 Cent’s 10-year-old son is demanding more child support, seeking a raise from the current $25,000 per month. Fiddy’s lawyer griped, “Her demands keep escalating.” Clearly, she’s looking to get rich or die trying.

• The results are in: Eddie Murphy is Melanie Brown’s—aka Scary Spice—baby daddy. A DNA test confirmed it, although Murphy has made no public comment. Brown needs to hook up for advice with the mother of 50 Cent’s kid.

• A new nationwide survey revealed that 29 percent of men claim to have had 15 or more sex partners in their lifetime, versus only 9 percent of women boasting similar numbers. Based on the stories involving 50 Cent and Eddie Murphy, it appears that men ultimately pay for the higher figures.

• Despite a 12 percent decline in sales over the first five months of 2007, Ford CEO Alan Mullaly said the company’s turnaround plan is “pretty much on track.” Guess the bold moves are based on lowered expectations.

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