Saturday, June 23, 2007

Essay 4091

A stereotypical comment posted at in response to the Bart Cleveland-Hadji Williams debate presented in Essay 4076…


The industry really needs more people like you. I continue to be amazed at how humane you are without being soft. Basically, what you’re doing is mentoring people, something that seems to have all but vanished from the professional world these days across MANY industries.


You accomplished precisely minus-zero with your rants. Broadly accusing CDs of racism is…uh…silly. Several months ago I applied to a fine agency that has a “minority focus.” I’m white. I didn’t assume that they passed on me because of that. I know one thing that agencies generally find useless and irritating is uncontrolled anger. It’s not original. Grow up.

Brad Gutting, STL.

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