Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Essay 4137

Books, Burgers and Booze in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• The family of Ron Goldman secured the rights to O.J. Simpson’s infamous “If I Did It” book. The Goldmans plan to change the title to “Confessions of a Double Murderer,” and they’re looking for buyers. Guess they hope to make a killing.

• Jack in the Box can continue running commercials dissing the Angus burgers of rival restaurants. The company behind Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s griped over the spots that imply Angus beef is made from cow anuses (see Essay 3074). But a judge said he needed more evidence the commercials were harmful before banning them. Shouldn’t somebody ask for more evidence that fast food burgers are even made from actual beef?

• A new study showed over 30 percent of Americans have or have had booze-related problems in their lives. There’s probably another large percentage of people who are too drunk to realize they have a problem.

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