Saturday, July 14, 2007

Essay 4174

Doing jail time in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• A cop with the Los Angeles Police Department is being investigated for shooting rapper The Game. Actually, the cop shot a video of The Game when the rapper was arrested in May. The video, showing the rapper boasting with a wad of cash in his cell, inevitably appeared on with the title, “The Game—Still Pimpin in Custody.” Looks like the LAPD is pimping too.

• The Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department is considering investigating whether or not Paris Hilton received special treatment during her recent incarceration. Her alleged perks included getting a cell phone while other inmates had to stand in line for a pay phone, a brand new uniform (regular inmates wear old and used garments) and mail personally delivered by a jail captain. No word yet if any of this was videotaped and sold to

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