Friday, August 03, 2007

Essay 4263

Conflicts of disinterest in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• The Telemundo network suspended reporter Mirthala Salinas for covering Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa in more ways than one (both pictured above). The woman had been romantically involved with the elected official while she also reported on him for KVEA-TV Channel 52. A memo from the station read, “while the content and accuracy of KVEA’s newscasts were not compromised, our news policy standards with respect to conflict of interest were clearly violated.” Bet lots of folks are feeling violated right now.

• A free concert to cheer up the Virginia Tech community has come under fire because it includes rapper Nas. People are complaining because Nas’ lyrics include violent themes, particularly a 1999 track with the chants, “Shoot ‘em up, just shoot ‘em up, what?” and “Kill, kill, kill, murder, murder, murder.” A spokesman for pissed-off people said the lyrics “are indicative of the moral decay in our society that contributes to acts of violence. For a university official to condone it or to be clueless of what this person’s track record is, it’s unconscionable beyond belief.” Hey, in America, cluelessness is never an exclusive dysfunction.

• Despite the New York City ban on trans fat, a new study showed fast feeders like Wendy’s and Burger King continue to feature high levels of the killer ingredient. Although Wendy’s claimed it cut trans fat in 2006, it still appears in the food. Apparently, the guidelines only cover usage of oil containing less than .5 grams of trans fat—selling other foods with higher levels is ok. Plus, the new ban doesn’t prohibit restaurants from using French fries that have been pre-cooked with trans fat levels exceeding the limits. Seems like the mandates have lots of fat loopholes.

• Sony recalled 416,000 digital cameras whose metal cases were prone to warping and slashing people’s hands. Talk about staying on the cutting edge.

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