Friday, August 10, 2007

Essay 4294

Baloney and more in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• The Oscar Mayer Weinermobile was ticketed for illegal parking in Chicago yesterday. Did someone check it for trans fat emissions?

• New York citizen and Asian bigot Kenneth Eng, who penned a newspaper editorial titled, “Why I Hate Blacks,” was arrested shortly after pleading guilty to attempted assault. The guilty plea stemmed from charges of threatening neighbors with a hammer in May. The new arrest stemmed from a sealed complaint. If this guy ever lands in jail, he’ll have plenty of explaining to do with Black inmates.

• Mexico apologized for the boos directed at Miss USA during a Mexico City beauty contest last May. Audience members jeered when Miss USA stumbled during the evening-gown competition. “We understand the concern of the people of the United States about the incorrect behavior of a small group that attended the event,” wrote a Mexican tourism official. “We apologize for the inconvenience, and be sure that Miss Rachel Smith will always be welcome in Mexico.” Another potentially explosive international incident averted.

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