Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Essay 4361

Courting current events in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Foxy Brown is headed for court again, as probation officials are seeking to lock her up for a variety of incidents. Recent events include refusing to cooperate with a grand jury after getting mugged in June, beating a neighbor with her BlackBerry and lying to cops during a traffic stop. Somebody owes Foxy a tuition refund for her anger-management classes.

• Barnes & Noble announced its stores won’t stock the O.J. Simpson “If I Did It” book. “Our buyers don’t feel there will be enough of a demand to carry it in our stores,” said a spokesperson. At this point, an endorsement from Oprah’s Book Club won’t help sales.

• A judge ruled that jurors will be permitted to view the infamous R. Kelly video—including the urination scenes—during the upcoming trial. No word if Barnes & Noble will be stocking copies of the video.

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