Sunday, September 02, 2007

Essay 4403

Flushing out the news in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Sen. Larry “Mr. Whipple” Craig officially resigned on Saturday over his toilet incident (see Essay 4399). “It is with sadness and deep regret that I announce it is my intent to resign from the Senate effective Sept. 30,” said Craig. “I apologize for what I have caused. I am deeply sorry. … I have little control over what people choose to believe, but clearing my name is important to me and my family.” He appears to have little control of his bathroom functions too.

• Recording artist Usher finally officially married Tameka Foster with a celebrity-filled ceremony at a posh resort near Atlanta. Despite a guest list including Oprah Winfrey, Janet Jackson and Mariah Carey, the event drew far less media attention than Larry Craig.

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