Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Essay 4412

Studying the news in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• A new study shows 50 percent of parents with obese children don’t realize their kids are too heavy. Many parents are apparently in denial, unwilling to change their own eating and exercise routines. “It’s usually a dietary and lifestyle issue. It’s very difficult for parents to confront their own food issues,” said an expert. In other words, your kid may look normal-sized if you’re a blimp yourself.

• A new study of men and women in Munich, Germany, showed men are more likely to choose a mate based on looks. Duh. Wonder if fat men were also attracted to fat women, yet didn’t realize the women were overweight.

1 comment:

  1. Hey MCC, do you have an email address?

    Here is a great article posted today from Karl Carter at GTM

