Thursday, September 06, 2007

Essay 4419

Rocking and rolling with a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Rock and roll will never die. Rock stars, however, are another story. Researchers at Liverpool John Moores University produced a study showing rock stars and celebrities are twice as likely to meet an early death than regular folks. Bet the researchers were just a bunch of groupies looking to party with the band.

• Rock and roll will never die. And it looks like R. Kelly will never go to trial over child pornography charges. The court date has been postponed again. At this rate, the child Kelly allegedly abused will be an AARP member when the trial begins.

• Crock and roll will never die. Sen. Larry Craig sought to have the ethics charges against him dropped, but the Senate Ethics committee rejected the request. Craig is also trying to have his guilty plea stemming from an airport sex sting bust withdrawn (see Essay 4413). Craig must think he’s a rock star—or R. Kelly at least.

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