Monday, September 10, 2007

Essay 4439

In 2005, MultiCultClassics published a column by Stanley Crouch that spotlighted Callie Herd, a woman dedicated to providing college scholarship information for Black and Latino students.

Herd said, “What I’m doing is trying to educate them. It’s not that Blacks and Latinos don’t want to go to college or need scholarship money; they just don’t know what is going on. At the advice of my son, I started a blog to get past writing individual letters. That just about wore me out. But the blog reaches so many.”

“It is located at There are millions of dollars available, just waiting for those who know how to ask for them. … It’s all about knowing, and that’s all I’m trying to provide. Well-used knowledge is part of the solution.”

Herd has updated her blog with new internships, summer programs, scholarships, etc. Some of the deadlines are approaching.

Spread the word. Click on the essay title above to visit Herd’s blog.


  1. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Wanted to let you all know that my site has been updated with great opportunites for the "Class of 2008", college students. Some of the posting are: scholarships, internships, fellowships, summer programs and much more. The blog is located at always, share with others.....

  2. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Just an fyi...many of the scholarships, internships, fellowships and summer programs will be coming to a deadline in January...apply now and also apply for the FASFA start January 2, 2008...Register for your pin now, if you haven't already done so.
