Saturday, September 22, 2007

Essay 4491

Girlfriend get-togethers in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Maureen McCormick, the actress who played Marcia on the Brady Bunch, is publishing a book that reveals she had a sexual relationship with co-star Eve Plumb, who played sister Jan. This story doesn’t really get interesting unless there’s a revelation of the ménage à trois with Ann B. Davis, who played Alice.

• Former O.J. Simpson prosecutor Marcia Clark is taking advantage of the latest hoopla, commenting on Simpson via various media outlets. “Just seeing him in court again, facing charges, I can’t believe it. It’s just surreal,” said Clark. “He skated on two murder charges … How did he manage to get himself back in trouble again? How stupid do you have to be?” This story doesn’t really get interesting unless Marcia Clark reveals a lesbian relationship with Marcia from the Brady Bunch.

• A PETA commercial featuring a nude Alicia Silverstone was rejected for airing in Houston, Texas. This story was never really interesting, but we figured blog visitors might enjoy the shot of a clothes-free and talent-free Silverstone.


  1. talentless, whiny white women who're marginaly appealing for all the wrong reasons...

    talk about a Jane Austen hat trick:

    If McCormick's book is anything like her acting, the lesbian population will plummet.

    If Marcia Clarke's TV commentary is anything like her courtoom skills, she'll end up talking about Phil Spector's hair.

    And I promise to eat my veggies if Alicia puts her clothes back on.

  2. Anonymous2:29 PM

    "This story doesn’t really get interesting unless there’s a revelation of the ménage à trois with Ann B. Davis, who played Alice"

    And it really gets interesting if Sam the Butcher secretly taped it and is not hawking it on a website, of which clips were then 'leaked' to YouTube.

  3. Sam The Butcher?! What a great name for a hiphop duo.

    MC Sam & The Butcher!

    Remember when the whole cast showed up at the VMAs a few years ago to spoof Malcolm X and donned afro's? And Denzel and Spike Lee and were in the front row watching in horror as Maureen McCormick and Jan and crew were totally ripping on the whole flick and couldn't understand why every black person didn't think this was funny?

    not sure where i'm going with this but, then again, i'm not sure why she's writing a book either.

  4. And wasn't the guy who played the Dad gay too?

    That 3-some with Ann isn't sounding so far-fetched
