Sunday, September 23, 2007

Essay 4496

Killjoys in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• As if we needed more news about O.J. Simpson, the New York Post reports of potentially violent episodes involving Simpson and part-time girlfriend Christie Prody (dubbed by the newspaper as a “Nicole look-alike”). About six weeks ago, Simpson confronted a man for allegedly sleeping with Prody and threatened, “Come over here. I’m going to fucking kill you.” You’d think at this point, O.J. might consider erasing the word “kill” from his vocabulary.

• To counter all the positive stories detailing how the Internet has helped spread the news and organize protests to support the Jena 6 families, there’s a nasty incident involving a White supremacist website. The website apparently listed the names and addresses of the Jena 6 teens and “essentially called for their lynching,” said an investigating FBI spokesperson. O.J. Simpson probably could have saved a lot of time and energy by posting his threats online too.

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