Thursday, September 27, 2007

Essay 4518

Men behaving badly in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Isiah Thomas, testifying at the sexual harassment trial, sought to undo the PR damage sparked by his earlier commentary on calling women bitches (see Essay 4479). “It’s very offensive for any man, Black, White, green or purple, to call a woman a bitch,” declared Thomas, but claimed that if the man is White it “compounds the issue because now you have perceived racial undertones added to it.” Guess there would be extraterrestrial undertones for green or purple men.

• Bill O’Reilly fired back at the group that initially criticized him over remarks about a Black restaurant in New York (see Essay 4513). O’Reilly declared they “fabricated a racial controversy where none exists,” and he labeled the critics as “smear merchants.” Isn’t that pretty much O’Reilly’s job title?

• Sen. Larry Craig announced he will remain in office until a judge rules on his attempt to withdraw the infamous toilet-stall guilty plea (see Essay 4513). The senator originally said he would step down on September 30. Yo, Larry, it’s time to turn in your Senate bathroom key.

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