Friday, September 28, 2007

Essay 4522

Morning O.J. in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Polls show Blacks and Whites have different opinions about O.J. Simpson again. 70 percent of Whites think Simpson is guilty of the current charges against him, versus only 41 percent of Blacks feeling that way; plus, 73 percent of Whites think he’ll get a fair trial, versus only 36 percent of Blacks agreeing on the point. The percentages indicate that CourtTV will have one of its best seasons ever.

• O.J. Simpson’s girlfriend, Christie Prody, is clearly in the minority regarding her positions on Simpson’s innocence. “People need to know he hasn’t done anything wrong,” declared Prody. Hey, give him time, give him time.

• The Navy is reworking a 40-year-old barracks facility that currently looks like a swastika from high above. “We don’t want to be associated with something as symbolic and hateful as a swastika,” said a Navy spokesperson. Of course, they have no problem being heavily associated with hateful wars.

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