Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Essay 4536

Balancing work and play in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Things look bad for Isiah Thomas and the Knicks in the sexual harassment lawsuit from Anucha Browne Sanders (pictured above), as the jury continues to pass notes to the judge indicating they are unanimous on eight of the nine charges. The charge in contention involves whether or not Thomas should have to pay from his own wallet. Now that would be a bitch.

• A new report indicates approximately one-third of all sick days are for mental disorders, including the popular mental health days. One researcher commented, “It is ironic we spend the least on musculoskeletal disorders and depression when they have the most impact on people's lives and disability.” Look for Isiah Thomas to use a few mental health days in the upcoming season.

• Anita Hill fired back at Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas (see Essay 4528). “I stand by my testimony,” wrote Hill in an editorial for The New York Times. “I will not stand by silently and allow him, in his anger, to reinvent me.” Hill also appeared on a television talk show and declared, “I was truthful. What I described happened actually did happen, and what I’ve learned is that it’s happened to many women in the workplace. … [Thomas’ response] is really so typical of people accused of wrongdoing. They trash their accusers.” Didn’t realize references to pubic hair on Coke cans were such a widespread occurrence.

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