Saturday, October 13, 2007

Essay 4581

A busload of bullshit in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Foxy Brown pulled a Rosa Parks on Friday, refusing to get on a Rikers Island bus for a court date in Brooklyn. A prosecutor in the case said, “She wanted to have an opportunity to change her clothes and put on makeup and be a bit more prettied up for court.” Things could get ugly, as the definitely irate judge rescheduled the arraignment for next Tuesday.

• The former Duke University men’s lacrosse coach has also launched a lawsuit against the school, although this filing stems from a financial settlement he made with the school earlier in the year. The ex-coach feels the university broke the terms of the confidential agreement when an official made disparaging remarks about him. By the time all the lawsuits are finished, this may be the team’s most profitable season ever.

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