Saturday, November 03, 2007

Essay 4659

Perception and Reality TV in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• The O.J. Simpson case is getting crazier, with the FBI now admitting they knew weeks in advance that Simpson and his pals were planning the confrontation. Simpson even wanted to videotape the event. “[Dealer Thomas] Riccio and Simpson want to do a television broadcast confronting [the memorabilia dealer] regarding the items that were stolen,” said one FBI report. “Simpson wanted Riccio’s assistance in setting up the operation and helping obtain interviews for Simpson through various media outlets after the fact.” Guess we can add “Failed Reality TV Executive Producer” to the charges against Simpson.

• A&E dumped Dog the Bounty Hunter from its broadcast lineup, including reruns of the popular program. “We hope that Mr. Chapman continues the healing process that he has begun,” said the network. Perhaps Dog requested a meeting with the Rev. Al Sharpton in the hopes that the Black leader can help him land a deal with BET.

• Citigroup CEO Charles Prince is expected to offer his resignation, a result of the corporation’s 57 percent 3Q profit drop. He’ll undoubtedly receive a princely separation agreement.

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