Thursday, November 08, 2007

Essay 4677

Staying in the Black with a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Dog the Bounty Hunter revealed that he’s not Black. During a televised interview, the former A&E star said he thought using the N-word was cool because he shares a bond with Blacks. “I now learned I’m not Black at all,” announced Dog. “I thought that I was cool enough in the Black world to be able to use that word as a brother to a brother. I’m not. … I didn’t really know until three or four days ago what that meant to Black people. I never realized it is like stabbing a Black person in the heart.” Has this guy met with the Rev. Al Sharpton yet?

• A Halloween party held by Homeland Security sparked controversy over a White employee who dressed up in prison stripes, dreadlocks wig and dark makeup. The costume even was honored in a judging contest. It would have been perfect if the employee had been accompanied by someone dressed as Dog the Bounty Hunter.

• General Motors posted a 3Q loss of $39 billion, while Toyota reported an 11 percent gain. Unlike Dog the Bounty Hunter, Toyota knows how to stay in the Black.

• Prosecutors are no longer pursuing charges that P. Diddy beat up an acquaintance at a New York nightclub (see Essay 4626) after the alleged victim refused to cooperate with the police. So Diddy will not be posting any 4Q profit losses from court trials.

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