Monday, December 10, 2007

Essay 4817

Monday Morning’s MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• The New York Post reported Foxy Brown maintains her diva attitude in prison, sporting Louis Vuitton and Gucci sneakers that she replaces whenever they become dirty. Has Mr. Blackwell started a “Best Dressed List” for the incarcerated?

• Michael Vick is scheduled for sentencing today for his role in a dogfighting operation. Wonder if Nike will supply him with sneakers during his prison stay.

• Civil rights leader Andrew Young sparked controversy with a bad joke he made during a TV interview. Comparing Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, Young remarked, “Bill is every bit as Black as Barack. He’s probably gone with more Black women than Barack.” Young immediately added, “I’m clowning.” Bozo and Ronald McDonald strongly deny any association with Young.

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