Thursday, December 13, 2007

Essay 4834

Click on the essay title above to check out the cultural cornucopia of comments at’s The Big Tent, all in response to Pepper Miller’s GM-related post. The thread spotlights a major issue regarding multicultural marketing: specifically, nobody completely understands it or knows what to do with it.

From the admittedly confused to the irate to the intellectual to the introspective to the idealistic to the idiotic, everyone’s got an opinion. But no one’s got the right solution.

It’s imperative, however, that the diverse discussion doesn’t create a smokescreen permitting GM or its general-market shops to pull any tricks.

Maintaining the status quo—or worse, continuing to strip multicultural shops of their already limited power and respect—is absolutely not the way to go.

Yet we can’t help but wonder how this affects the image of our industry. It’s definitely lousy for recruiting initiatives. Or selling GM vehicles.

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