Thursday, December 20, 2007

Essay 4869

Showing up with a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• R. Kelly showed up for court on Thursday morning, avoiding a potential arrest warrant after missing a court date on Wednesday. The singer is facing child pornography charges in a case that has seemingly dragged on forever. “It is an abuse of the process and disrespectful of the court and your honor for everyone who has come prepared to go,” said the Assistant State’s Attorney. “The leeway the court has given him to go on a 45-city tour, to do whatever he pleases. The very least he could do is be here for his appointed court date.” The judge will probably forgive the singer in exchange for free concert tickets.

• The Pew Internet and American Life project showed teens still value connecting through traditional phone calls and face-to-face, in addition to online socializing via Facebook and MySpace. R. Kelly could have avoided a lot of trouble by hooking up online versus the traditional ways.

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