Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Essay 4894

Callie Herd is a woman dedicated to helping minority students find information on college scholarships and more.

Herd said, “What I’m doing is trying to educate them. It’s not that Blacks and Latinos don’t want to go to college or need scholarship money; they just don’t know what is going on. At the advice of my son, I started a blog to get past writing individual letters. That just about wore me out. But the blog reaches so many.”

“It is located at There are millions of dollars available, just waiting for those who know how to ask for them. … It’s all about knowing, and that’s all I’m trying to provide. Well-used knowledge is part of the solution.”

Deadlines are fast approaching for many scholarships, internships, fellowships and summer programs. Get moving and spread the word to others.

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